Our Services

Deep Inquiry

Rapid Results Piloting


Data, Evaluation, & Support

Professional Development & Support

Year 1: Deep inquiry

Perform a deep inquiry—a thorough, collaborative process informed by school data and the perspectives and contributions of those touched by school issues— into challenges, assets and possibilities to determine how Natural Circles can best help. The 12-week inquiry includes:

  • Qualitative and quantitative data collection from students, staff, and families.

  • Staff and administration agreement on the presenting issue(s), improvements, and theory of change, or project map, to achieve the improvements.


Year 2: Data, Evaluation, & support

Analyze and summarize student attendance, behavior, and test scores and collect and analyze social support network data. Use the findings to update planning and project map, and develop school improvements. Staff receive training and support to continue these practices.

Year 3: Data, Evaluation, & support

Perform deeper analysis of support network, align with other equity efforts, evaluate interventions for program improvement, and, complete participatory Ripple Effects Mapping to find new opportunities and unintended benefits.

Additional fee-based Services

Natural Circles can also provide individual fee-based services for ongoing support including, new employee orientation, training refreshers, participatory leadership and facilitation trainings, parents as allies and leaders, action research, and customized coaching.

Year 1: Rapid results piloting

Following deep inquiry, Natural Circles staff work with school staff to develop and implement an intensive short-term “rapid results” pilot project designed to work with students in circle and test the school’s theory of change. This 12 to 15 week process:

  • Gives immediate support to students,

  • Provides facilitators orientation, coaching, and training,

  • Tests the developed “theory of change,”

  • Evaluates preliminary outcomes,

  • Further develops school systems and internal relationships supporting the process, and

  • Explores alignment with other equity efforts.


Year 2: Professional Development & Support

Staff Leadership Team, facilitator, and staff orientation, facilitation, transformational leadership,action research, and evaluative thinking training with coaching, peer support, monthly check-ins/site visits, and quarterly meetings with leadership.

Year 3: Professional Development & Support

Staff Leadership Team, Facilitator and staff coaching, problem-solving, and feedback, advanced training in participatory and transformational leadership practices, advanced Natural Circles practice, and evaluative thinking for responsive programing, and continuous improvement. Monthly meetings to review theory of change project map and plan and meetings with leadership.